Can Quality Branding Really Make You More Money?


Small business owners:

I see you wearing all the hats. Working long hours and weekends. DIY-ing your way to burnout city.

If you’ve ever been curious about branding your business but you’re unsure what impact it will actually have - this is for you.

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a better way, please know that every single small business owner in the world has been where you are today. But here’s the thing - we didn’t start our own businesses to work endlessly! And when you’re juggling what feels like a thousand different elements in your business, sometimes the best thing we can ask ourselves is this:

Which components of my business do I dread working on, and how can outsourcing benefit not only my mental health, but also my bottom line?

You can try to juggle everything on your own for a while, but the reality is that your business will never scale if you don’t plan to invest in the pieces of your business that don’t bring you joy or play to your strengths. The era of the girlboss who can manage everything on her own is over because we’re smarter than that - and investing in ourselves, our craft and our business isn’t just how we grow and expand, it’s also an affirmation of our ideas and a belief in ourselves.

Even artists and makers struggle with branding - just because we’re creative, doesn’t mean branding comes easily, especially when it comes to branding ourselves.

It can be hard to pass that torch to someone else, so I can totally understand why you might have decided to DIY your branding. But truthfully, branding is one of the most important things you can and should be investing in. Hiring a professional to create your branding means getting the massive perspective shift you need to craft a successful brand identity, strategy, and aesthetic for you.

Branding can have one of the biggest impacts on your bottom line (because at the end of the day, we all started our businesses to make money!!!)

Branding is especially important if you want to transform your business from side-gig into full-time.

Let’s kick it back to basics reallll quick -

A brand is so much more than your logo

It’s your logo + your color palette + your typography and fonts + your tone of voice + your social media presence + your packaging + in-person experiences + how they all work together.

Brand identity is all the pieces consistently working together on behalf of your business. And they work behind the scenes 24/7 while you’re, I don’t know, running a whole dang business.

And enjoying your weekends.

And getting 8 hours of sleep every night.

(Take note that all of these things are of equal importance and will have an impact on your business!!)

DIY-ing your brand can mean any number of things -

  • you made a logo yourself or bought a premade kit for super cheap

  • you’re cobbling together social media posts in Canva, or you’re just using product photography or BTS reels

  • you’re designing and printing off your own collateral & signage

  • you made a website from a template but you’re still not really sure if it’s converting or how to make it do that thing that you saw on another site that one time, but you have no idea how to do it because, again, you’re busy running a whole freaking business here.

Let’s see how outsourcing quality branding can make an impact:

Your Brand is Your Universe

You’ve crafted a unique universe, and there is no one else quite like you. Your branding is your universe, made tangible, scalable, and memorable.

Quality branding is crucial for any business to succeed in today’s market, when more and more people are starting their own small businesses online.

A memorable and impactful brand universe will attract those dream clients. And once they’re intrigued by your work, your consistent brand strategy will lead to brand recognition, and those dream clients will love hanging out in your world - so much so that they’ll probably tell their friends about you, too. This creates brand loyalty and awareness - and that’s the impact every business dreams of.

Branding is an investment in your future, and an affirmation of your work and a belief in yourself. And like any investment, there is a clear return on your brand investment.

Branding Return On Investment

If you’re not a designer, then it is well worth the investment to outsource your branding.

According to Ignyte Brands, a study revealed that “strong brands can capture, on average, three times the sales volume of weak brands,” as well as command premium pricing. Pricing power is among the most valuable assets of a strong brand - in short, you can make more money by utilizing the power of your brand.

Strong branding also ensures brand awareness - meaning staying on the forefront of your customers minds, leading to an increased ROI. This is a powerful element of branding that many small shop owners don’t understand the power of, thanks in part to third-party e-commerce platforms such as Etsy, which strip your shop of almost all brand power.

Discover the Potential of Branding Your Business

The return on investment in branding isn’t surprising, yet many small business owners aren’t utilizing branding to its full potential because of the initial investment.

Sure, you can use a premade logo on Canva or stick to a simple icon for your business, but in truth, hiring a professional to craft your branding and get you set up on your own website can have an incredible impact on your business.

Here’s a secret too - it doesn’t have to be expensive, time consuming, or confusing. Sometimes we just know our brand when we see it. That’s why we offer semi-custom branding and website packages at a fraction of the cost of a full-blown custom branding package. Not everyone needs (or can justify paying for) a custom brand strategy built from the ground up.

If you’re looking to explore some premade brand packages that we’ll customize just for you, click here to see what Brand Bundles are currently available and start building your brand universe today! 🫶🏼

Can High-Quality Branding Make You More Money?

Welcome to Studiomart! I’m Alina ❤️

Lover of good branding, shop owner, merch-obsessed founder & designer here to help your small business fulfill your big dreams ☁️

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