Book Your Big Brand Bang & Discover Your Brand Universe

You’ve put in all the hard work - now it’s time for a brand that pulls them into your universe ✨

Your business is your baby, and you’ve put in so much work - but the face of your business doesn’t quite match up with where you are now, and you cringe every time you see the logo you threw together ages ago.

This is your sign - you deserve a Big Bang for your Brand.



You put in the blood, sweat and tears

You built the business you dreamed of, and you’re damn proud of how far you’ve come.

Now the time has come: you both deserve to look the part!

🙋🏼‍♀️ Raise your hand if…

You know what you offer is awesome, but you’re having a hard time getting people to see or trust you

You’re so busy that you simply don’t have time to tighten up your visuals, keep up with content or update your website

You’re ready to launch into a new era of growth, but you know your brand presence (or lack thereof) is holding you back

Brand design for an interior design studio and retail marketplace called Studio TEN

You, your brand and your business deserve better

What if you could fully transform your business by the weekend?

Your brand finally matches the quality of your work

You’re actually proud to share posts and your website

Your dream people are begging to hang out in your universe

One Week Brand and Website Intensive

The Big Brand Bang

This is your sign - you deserve a Big Bang for your Brand ✨

For one whole week, it’s just you and me: a full week, dedicated to you and your biz. We’ll work on strategy and design, and by the end you’ll be heading into the weekend with a brand new brand and website that you’ll be totally obsessed with. Not to mention that it will finally be the brand you deserve and your dream audience will be lining up down the block!

A Brand New You In One Week

A new era of your business is one week away

Are you ready to:


Stop stressing about brand inconsistency and finally be proud to post again


Get all that wasted time back for what matters most: getting back to work (& play)

Feel like your branding finally matches your effort and the high quality of your work


Really start scaling and growing your business the way you know you can (and deserve!)

Imagine how much can change in a week:

Get ready to be toasting to your bright future this weekend, because the brand of your dreams is finally here ✨



Become the Brand You Deserve to Be

Totally transform your biz, your brand, and your life.


1:1 Brand Strategy Session

Customized Brand Identity

Launch Graphics

5 Page Custom Squarespace Website

1:1 Recorded Website Training Session

PLUS: Personalized Notion Brand Portal

Payment Plan

4x $1,600

More Payment Plans Available

Reach out for more info on different options available.


1:1 Brand Strategy Session

Customized Brand Identity

Launch Graphics

5 Page Custom Squarespace Website

1:1 Recorded Website Training Session

PLUS: Personalized Notion Brand Portal

Pay In Full


✨ Pay In Full Bonus ✨

50 Extra Instagram Templates + 1 extra template of your choice (think freebie download, PDF, package inserts, etc!)

Take it from our past clients…



Hi there - I’m Alina, and I’m so glad you’re here!

I’ve been a graphic designer for over ten years, with experience in marketing, e-commerce, branding and web design. In 2018 while working at a tech start-up, I started an Etsy shop on the side to work with my hands and bring my own ideas to life.

In 2020, I took the leap and left my full-time job because my little side hustle had started taking on more of the main character energy in my life. (And if I’m being totally honest, that was secretly the goal all along.)

I loved running my shop, but it always bothered me that the one element it was lacking was me - I had no brand awareness, and I set out to change that. Surprise - it made all the difference!

Since then, I’ve embraced the ups and downs of running a small business. Through it all, I dove into web design, applying new skills to help my business thrive.

Now I’m passionate about continuing my shop while helping other small businesses like mine take control of their brand and achieve their dreams!

Steps for a Big Brand Bang:

Step One

1:1 Strategy Session

First things first - let’s chat about where you are now, and how we’ll get you to where you want to be! We’ll deep dive into you, your brand, and your business. We’ll discuss your moodboard together, and workshop them if need be. We’ll use these cues to really dig into the heart of your brand and get aligned on a strategy.

Step Two

Brand Design

The fun finally starts here! This is where our moodboarding and strategizing will come to life - in the form of logos, colors, fonts and more! You’ll get everything you need to hit the ground running.

Step Three

Squarespace Website

We’ll get to work building your business’s dream home. First, you’ll get mockups of the layout, flow and design to make sure everything is juuuust right - then we’ll get to building and making it a reality.

Step Four

Training & Launch 🚀

If it all seems overwhelming - I promise it won’t feel that way when we’re done! We’ll jump on a call to go over all the ins and outs of your new website, plus we’ll record the whole thing for you to reference later. The video will be included in your Brand Portal - simply bookmark this single page for quick reference to all-the-things included in your brand and website, like files, how-to’s, and more.


Scrolling gif of Brand Portal Notion Hub

Personalized Brand Portal

Notion Hub

Get all your ducks in a row with the powerful Brand Portal that comes included with your package - all your brand assets, personalized tutorials, extra resource add-ons, workbooks and more, all under one bookmark.

Pay In Full Bonus ✨

50 Instagram Templates +
1 extra template of your choice

Get the whole shebang with all the social templates you’ll ever need to get your grid looking perf, plus an extra template of your choice (think freebie guidebooks, postcards, downloads, etc)!

Here’s the Nitty Gritty

How it all works:

1 Week Before

Strategy Call & Design Moodboards

We’ll kick off with a 1:1 strategy call to get prepped for next week. This is all about your brand baby! We’ll be running through your moodboard together, as this will inform the brand design direction. You’ll leave feeling inspired after a clarifying chat about your brand.

Day 1

Brand Design Day

Today we focus on building the foundation of your business: your new brand. We’ll use your chosen moodboard direction to build the brand you’ve always envisioned!

Day 2

Website Design Day

Now that the brand is built and we know the look and feel, we’ll get to designing your website! We’ll be sending mockups today for your approval, and we’ll use those before we begin the actual build on Squarespace.

Day 3-4

Website Development

Now all the magic comes together! Over these two days, we’ll be bringing your website mockups to life with a functioning website - and when we’re done, we’ll have a training session with you before hand off so you feel confident moving forward.

Day 5

Launch Day! 🚀

This is the day you’ve been waiting for: launch day! It’s time to launch your shiny new brand and website into the world. Get ready to have the best day ever.

Are you perfect for a Big Brand Bang?

You’re a biz owner on the verge of a new era - but the to-do list is never ending

Busy is your normal state, but it’s not why you signed up to run your own business - so all the marketing and posts take a back seat, because you don’t really like making them anyway. Your current brand is holding you back, and you know a high-quality brand could change the game.

Your offer is awesome, your work is great, but your clients need convincing before they book

You get results for your clients, but they need a little nudge to get them over the line. People aren’t seeing the value you know you can bring them. You feel like if your branding looked as high-value as your work, your clients wouldn’t need that extra proof - they’d be signing on the dotted line, no questions asked.

Your Blah brand just doesn’t do your business justice anymore

It takes forever to throw together your posts in Canva, but no one seems to take it seriously. You continually tweak colors and fonts and imagery because nothing feels quite right…but that only makes you look inconsistent. You know your branding is letting your business down, and if it could just match the vision you have in your mind, things would run so much smoother.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • On our branding day, you can make as many changes as you need to make it just right! Once our branding day is complete, we will move on to your website - meaning after branding day is done, no more revisions will be made. You’ll have the night to sleep on it if you need, and we’ll finalize in the morning before your website begins!

  • I am happy to chat about any other assets you may need! However, be aware that extra designs will come at an extra cost.

  • To hold your desired week to work on your Big Brand Bang, we require a non-refundable deposit of $250 (this will be applied to your final invoice.)

  • You can choose between our main plans: 4 monthly payments of $1,600, or a one-time payment of $6,000 (a $400 savings). Other monthly payment options available are 50/50, and 6 monthly payments.

The Big Bang your brand deserves

Get ready for brand clarity and website wonder ✨

Can you imagine having a brand and website that literally do the selling for you? Start daydreaming because it only takes one week to make it a reality.

Become the Brand You Deserve to Be

Totally transform your biz, your brand, and your life.


1:1 Brand Strategy Session

Customized Brand Identity

Launch Graphics

5 Page Custom Squarespace Website

1:1 Recorded Website Training Session

PLUS: Personalized Notion Brand Portal

Payment Plan

4x $1,600

More Payment Plans Available

Reach out for more info on different options available.


1:1 Brand Strategy Session

Customized Brand Identity

Launch Graphics

5 Page Custom Squarespace Website

1:1 Recorded Website Training Session

PLUS: Personalized Notion Brand Portal

Pay In Full


✨ Pay In Full Bonus ✨

50 Extra Instagram Templates + 1 extra template of your choice (think freebie download, PDF, package inserts, etc!)



Jumpstart the next era of your business

Inquire Below for your Big Brand Bang